Financial Status


Annual fees charged from students of different programmes and annual fees fixed by the state Govt. for different programmes.

S.No. Programme Total Annual Fee Charged by the institution (Current session) Fee fixed by the state Government (Current Session)
1 D.El.Ed. First Year 3300/- 3300/-
2 D.El.Ed. Second Year 3080/- 3080/-

Mention if fee concession or scholarships are given to student : Yes

State Govarment of Maharastra scholarships paid to reserve category student

Income during the previous academic session

S.No. Head / Source of Income Income in INR(Write NA for not applicable)
1 Income from fees 84240
2 Grant received from state govt. if any 40,000
3 Income from other sources: donation etc. N.A.
  Total Income 1,24,240

Expenditure during the previous Academic Session


S.No. Head of Expenditure Expenditure in INR (Write NA for not applicable)


Capital Expenditure  
1 Expenditure incurred on augmentation of infrastructure
2 Expenditure incurred on augmentation of Instructional Resources


Recurring Expenditure  
3 Staff Salary 3431801
4 Interest Payment on loans 981
5 Loan Repayment N.A.
6 Miscellaneous expenditure 50316


Transfer to Capital Accound  
7 Transfer toGoverning Body  

Total Expenditure